Sunday, October 23, 2011

"The Bustle in a House"

There is a poem by Emily Dickinson that says,

"The bustle in a house
the morning after death
is solemnest of industries
enacted upon Earth -

The sweeping up the heart
and putting love away,
we shall not want to use again
until eternity."

I'm not sure it all applies here, but after Jonah's passing, after our goodbyes, after the arrival of the Hospice nurse, and after the arrival of the representative from Zook, there was a kind of "bustle" as we "put things to right."

Sean and Emily enjoying the show!

The equipment was gathered up, awaiting the Vitas worker who picked them up. Some things were tossed in the trash, some things were gathered up for the memory box, some things were just put back where they belonged.

Whitney, Luke, Emily and KatieThe next day Harry assembled Porter's new desk, and Dawn was busy sorting toys and books and finding new homes for the items that were displaced from the old toy cupboard. I can identify with sorting and cleaning to take your mind off things and to give you a sense of order and control.

Harry William and Uncle Joe!The last few days have been spent making funeral preparations. The service is tomorrow. Many of Dawn's family are here - and what a blessing that is. We have enjoyed visiting, helping with the children, eating - the food keeps coming - that's one part I will really miss!! And for some of us, it's been a time to get to know members of Dawn's family that we've only heard about until now! And to re-acquaint ourselves with the others.

Marjorie, Dawn, Annette, and Julie

Eve had a competition - Harry took her and she felt good about her performance.

Other family members - like Erika and Frances - have arrived.

We aren't really "putting love away" because much love is being expressed, but we are sharing memories of Jonah, and storing up these memories to comfort us in the days ahead. And we are waiting for eternity and planning for being with Jonah once more.

The ever-expressive Miss Isla, letting us know what she thinks!

Once again, our heartfelt thanks to all who are so supportive - every expression of love sustains and uplifts us all.


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